We Believe…
You are Loved!
Without strings attached and without conditions, God’s love for you is
real, is powerful, and is complete. Jesus’ blood shed for you means there is nothing more
that you need for your life - not now, not for eternity; and so, you are God’s child.
Because God loves you without condition, so do we. You are our brother and sister in this
family of faith. (I John 4:9-10)
You Belong!
You are welcomed here, you are wanted here. This is Jesus’ church not
anyone else’s. Because you belong to Jesus, you belong here. Make yourself at home.
You’re family. We are excited about the mission that is happening here and want you to
be a part of it.
You are Called!
Your life is not an accident and certainly not a mistake. God created you
on purpose, for a purpose. God calls you to a life of meaning and a life of service in God’s
Kingdom here on earth with a spot made especially for you to join in the work of
spreading God’s love to the world. Some callings are in direct service within the church,
and many are outside the church; for example at your work, in your home, in the
community. There is no higher calling. This call has eternal impact, and have no doubt,
you are called!
You are Gifted!
Answering God’s call can certainly feel daunting. We might think we
don’t have any skills to offer, don’t know many spiritual things, or don’t feel worthy for
something like that. Yet, from cover to cover of the Bible and through all of history, God
calls the most unlikely people and gives them gifts in wild abundance through the Holy
Spirit to do the work to which God calls them. These God-given gifts are diverse and
plentiful; they include your talents, interests, passions, and abilities. However, these gifts
do not always come neatly wrapped in easy-to-open packaging. God’s gifts are not
always obvious. A significant part of this church family’s role is to help you explore and
develop your gifts so you can live to the full the life that God has made for you to live.
Because we are inspired by God’s love, we seek to live Christ-centered lives, grow in faith,
and ignite generous spirits!
You Belong
You will see this welcome video on many different pages of our site! We want to make sure that you watch and understand that you are welcome in our church and we value you as a person and a member.